Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Seriously, So Tired

Yeah, so reals, like, really tired. Do you think my babies would survive if I took a nap?

This post isn't only about that though. Yesterday, my kids went to the dentist. Thomas had 4 cavities, Hazel had two, and Violet didn't have any yet (that is what the dentist said, like she was doomed to have at least one the next time she came in.) But the bad news is Hazel. He said she has a stage 3 under bite, with a splash of a cross bite thrown. He gave me an orthodontist referral while he was mumbling about pallet expanders, headgear, and braces. The good news...the consultation is free...At least I have insurance now though, it could be a lot worse.


Amanda said...

Ouch! That is no fun for anyone! I'll see you later!

Amanda said...

PS- I am bringing all my jewelry, so be prepared!

Emily said...


I swear, I'd rather give birth any day than go to the dentist or take my kids there!

E said...

Reading this, I can tell you're tired. You have my permission to go take a nap. And the dentist sucks!

ManicMandee said...

We went to the dentist recently and I was amazed that of my four kids, we walked out of there with only 1 cavity. The bad news was that the dentist thought that all of my children were gonna need braces some day. I left with a referral too to the orthod. There goes our plans for retirement!
And YES take a nap! Just use the TV as a babysitter. I do it all the time.

Mary said...

Sorry you're so tired. And yes, the dentist is a stressful and expensive experience. Tom was pretty cavity free and didn't need braces, so we'll have to blame it all on your side of the family! JK
But Amy was a different story and she can fill you in on all of that. I'll blame Amy's problems on Gus' side of the family since I didn't have braces and no cavities until after I was 16.

Memzy said...

It's totally genetic those cavities. I have to take happy pills before taking my kids in. Sooo traumatic. I wish I was there so you could drop off your kids and go take a nap.

ShelBailey said...

We've been lucky. Ry and Meg both seem to have inherited Sam's tough teeth.

Meg however, is going to need some expensive orthodonture, which we are scrambling to figure out how to pay for before she's too old.

ShelBailey said...

And, I would totally watch your kids whilst you sleep...except I'm several hundred miles away. Your kids are lovely!

Uncle Sam and Auntie Shel need to live closer to all these great-munchkins until we get some grandkids to spoil.

Unknown said...

pop some popcorn, put in a movie for the kids and go take a nap.
I feel your pain on the ortho. Lindsay spent a year with a herbst appliance, and then 2+yr with braces. I have to tell you though, the expense was worth it! go see her pic on my blog. she has perfect teeth. I now have two in braces, and will soon have a third. As for the dentist I always have a running tab with mine. It's never below $1000. It's always something. Anyway, get some rest.

Hot Pants said...

I had braces and still need them. They want to put in a thing across the roof of my mouth to widen my upper jaw. They said they would just crank it every week to do it nice and slow. Fortunately, I don't have the money for it right now.
Good luck on the nap. I just had a guitar student cancel because she said she needed a nap today. Maybe I should take one too.

Krissy said...

Ditto on the tired thing. Yesterday i was playing gold fish with jace and i started falling asleep and he's all "mom, how bout we don't close our eyes when we're playing go fish". Dentists NEVER have good news!

Krissy said...

i meant go fish not gold fish (that's what i used to think it was called when i was a littlie).

Emily said...

Dallas had to have braces two times. The before pictures of him are scary. Think scraggle tooth.