Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sufficiently Humbled

So I blogged about all the stuff I was going to do today, but here it is 8:00, and I am not finished yet. I still have to mop to make my house completely memzified. I could keep going...Here is where the dilemma kicks in. I was all braggy about how I was going to do it all today, (and I have seriously been working my butt off to prove it is possible. I am pretty sure I burned at least a bazillion calories. At least.) but Tom called and said he probably couldn't come until Friday now. So, my question is, do I mop tonight, and then have to mop again tomorrow in preparation for Tom, or do I just wait until tomorrow, and get a big, "I told you so." from you all? I think I am making it pretty obvious which way I am leaning, so I am hoping to hear what I want to hear. But that would mean no, "I told you sos".

Also, how in the hay does one clean a shower without being naked? I never learned properly. Since I didn't have time to take a shower, I just ended up getting soaking wet and frizzy haired. Some tips might be helpful. Come to think of it, I don't think I ever cleaned a shower before being on my own. I slipped through the cracks, you gize.


Amanda said...

It does always seem like a much bigger chore when you're only mostly done. I would wait. Why do it twice?

Julie said...

Katie take a break. YOu deserve it.

Memzy said...

I told you so.

Memzy said...

Jay kay. I didn't even say it to begin with. ::wink::

I like the word "memzified". It should be used more often. On multiple levels.

Hot Pants said...

My friend hired a girl in her ward to clean her house. She would always leave when the girl came. One day they left, and she realized she forgot something. She ran into the house and didn't want to scare the girl, who she could hear cleaning in the bathroom. So my friend went into the bathroom to tell the girl she forgot something, only the girl was totally naked. The cleaning girl she just didn't want to get her clothes dirty and she always cleaned the bathrooms naked. So I guess that's my tip to you.

Elder Jack Anderson said...

You clean the shower when you are in the shower yourself. It's an ugly naked squatting down and stuff like that but it works really well.

The only problem I see here is that you don't shower often.... my sweet.

Markie23 said...

Hot Pants, I would like to hire your friends cleaning girl... number please.

ManicMandee said...

I'm sure it's all worked out in your mind by now. But I still want you to know I think you did a fantastic job!

Emily said...

Just for the record, I think Mindy is the only one who ever cleaned the showers growing up. Hey, just pat yourself on the back and be okay with just being like the rest of us lazy bloggers. Why mop when you can look at my blog?

E said...

Here's my shower trick: spray down entire shower with Scrubbing Bubbles (I buy the dollar store no-name brand because I go through it very fast), don't rinse, just leave it, and repeat the process everyday until all the scum and dirt is gone (about a week if it's really bad), and then to maintain, spray it down every three days or so. I never to the fugly shower squat.

Julie said...

I have your apron here. That might just be the motivating inspiration you need. As a matter of fact I have 2 for you.