Monday, January 5, 2009

Let's Talk About The Snow

I am posting my kids. These are pictures that Hazel took. Keep that in mind when you see the one of her. She cracks me up. Feel free to steal these photos for personal use, you could blow them up huge and say they are you kids. What ever you like.

Man, crazy snow, right? I am thinking snow day even. I don't know, we will have to see. It is kind of a drag because I had plans tonight you gize. I was going to go to my friend Kimberly's house for dinner. I had my camera all ready to go. It was going to be a great post because she is such a blast, but about five minutes away from my house, I got all shaky. They road was seriously turning white before me, so I called her up and backed out. She seemed cool about it, but I know she is crying inside.


Elder Jack Anderson said...

Hazel has an eye for composition. For realz.

Just so you know, if you were coming to my house for dinner & backed out I wouldn't get out of the fetal position for a week. You've been warned.

Anna B said...

Looks like I left Idaho just in time to get home to my own little Winter Wonderland.

E said...

You can never have too much snow. Love snow. And I'm making hazel my wallpaper.

Emily said...

Can Hazel come take our family pictures?