Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Weeds Don't Grow In Rows, Right?

So I go outside to water my real garden and this is what I found. I
am not sure why this makes me so happy. These little guys are peas.
Peas were my favorite from my mom's garden growing up. My indoor
starts are quite big too (in case you were wondering). I am thinking
of expanding. Who'd have thought it would be so fun?


Cristin said...

awwww I love baby plants! YAY!

Memzy said...

I'm still not feeling the fun. But I sure hope it rubs off on me.

Flem said...

Yay!! I am so envious! I would love to have a garden but it would require work so I don't. I will love living vicariously through you, however, if you continue to post the growth of your little pea babies over time.

E said...

I get a lil thrill when I see plants sprouting. I obsessively check on them. So, are we having our great pumpkin contest this year?

Amanda said...

I am still jealous. How come I got passed up on the gardening gene?

ManicMandee said...

Wanna come start our garden? Please?

Emily said...

I don't see 'em, but I'll take your word for it.

Good job!