Friday, April 3, 2009

What? It Was A Busy Day.

Tom insisted on pictures and for some reason, just emailing them to him was an unthinkable request, so here are your pictures Tom. Please tell me that I am not the only one that lets their kids wear their pajamas all day long. I would like to tell you that they are getting baths before they go to bed, but I don't want to lie on my blog.


Memzy said...

I think Violet wins this round. She's way too cute.

Memzy said...

I think Tom is trying to show off his kids btw. Doyee.

E said...

Ooooo, I would have been fuming mad if you had sent these pictures to tom on the sly instead of sharing with us all. What makes him so special?

Amanda said...

Violet is super-cute this round!! I love the umbrella.

Flem said...

We have shower day three times a week. But if I am out for the evening or out of town it is zero times a week.

Also pajamas most of the day is acceptable. They have to change to get lunch but if it requires my help (like a baby) then it might be a couple of days in a row.