Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Always Blogging

Does everyone else just go about their day thinking, "This would be a funny blog if I made it into a movie. I have the perfect song to go with it." I think about this all day. I wonder why they never come to fruition. Is anyone else's spell check broken? I am a terrible speller, and I am feeling very exposed. Also can't add an image. Is there anybody out there who can help me? I can do a video though. I am so comfused. You want a video? Hazel wanted to make a movie and...


eekareek said...

I know what Hazel means. She wants those parts all to herself. She doesn't want to be upstaged by her little sister like how all my sisters were upstaged by me.

E said...

you are a blogging maniac.

Mary said...

I think Hazel should get to play all of the parts in her video and Violet can play all of the parts in her own video. Hazel was very entertaining and I want to see more!