Thomas was admiring himself in the mirror after I brushed his teeth. He was sliding his tongue over the newly cleaned surface when he told me, "Tongues are strong, stronger than teeth, but they are not stronger than yogurt.." If you don't get it you don't watch enough TV.
I watch 4 to 5 hours of straight t.v. every night and I don't get it? I do not watch commercials though so maybe that is why.
Give us a hint! You're too cute, Thomas!
I don't get it....I guess I need to kick it into gear and start watching tv again.
I understand what you mean Thomas!
You need to change your blog to allow "anonymous comments" because it is more fun for everyone...At least it is for us. Thank you! (TIM)
Reading everyones comments, I gather you and Thomas are on crack! I too, do not get it. Please just explain. Hi mom!
Come on Katie, fill us in.
nope, don't get it. I'm too popular to watch TV.
I haven't seen a commercial since I got my TiVo, about 3 years ago. But I think it was still cute.
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